

  • 2023年11月19日
    In what follows, I listed the steps that solved for me the problem that the package rJava could not be loaded from within RStudio under Mac OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.2). Furthermore, some new security features in Mac OS X prevent that environment path settings are passed along to...
    We know that the DVD file is saved as the VOB format that can't be played by the most popular devices. It is very common that many people want to make their DVD movies digitalized so that they can watch these movies on their smartphones or portable media player. But how do I convert a VOB file to...
    MEGA - Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis First time users: After clicking on the download link, please click on the Create Account button underneath where it says 'Don't have a Wolfram ID?' Please make sure to create your Wolfram ID using your email Mathematica (Students' personally...
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